Step 2 for Compressed Air Analysis : Localization of Compressed Air Leakages resp. Compressed Air Losses.
Now in the second step compressed air leakages resp. compressed air losses are localized. For this purpose the compressed air lines of the most important consumers are included in the compressed air analysis. At first, the largest compressed air consumers should be determined. They should be itemized into single consumers like e. g. halls, floors, production lines or even single machines. As soon as the compressed air consumption is determined for each consumer it becomes very quickly transparent where which compressed air costs are generated. Even smallest leakages or compressed air losses also in case of a running production can be found quickly and easily by means of modern leak detectors on ultrasonic bases like e. g. our leak detector LD 400.
Use this chance and reduce your leakages and therefore the compressed air consumption resp. your current costs by means of a systematic compressed air analysis. Installing intelligent chart recorders like e. g. DS 500 into the most important compressed air lines helps to make the compressed air consumption, the compressed air costs and the leakages transparent. Additionally, the measured data can be stored reliably on the company server for many years. Alarm thresholds, threshold exceeding are supervised online so suddenly occurring compressed air peaks caused by defective lines or broken compressed air hoses can be recognized immediately. The responsible employee directly gets an alert via SMS or by E-Mail. The compressed air valves can be closed by means of the alarm relays.
Compressed air leakages partly can be eliminated quite easily by exchanging untight compressed air couplings or plug-in connectors or by tightening screwings like e. g. compressed air flanges. This is much more problematic in case of compressed air systems with long lines which have grown during the years, too small dimensioned inner diameters of the compressed air pipes, bends and rejuvenations in the line system, pressure losses at filters and dryers. Too small dimensioned inner diameters of compressed air pipes lead to an uneconomically high flow rate and therefore to pressure losses. The flow rate of compressed air should not exceed 6 m/s (under operating conditions). In case of higher flow rates there will be a too high pressure loss and therefore energy is wasted.
On the other hand a reduction of the line pressure by 1 bar can save approximately 8 % of energy. Soiled filters lead to an unnecessary differential pressure and to a pressure drop in the pipeline. In order to reduce these energy wasters and to have them under control in the long-term not only the recommended compressed air meters should be applied but also the differential pressures should be monitored at the most important filters by means of an intelligent chart recorder. With the use of chart recorders also service intervals for the filter exchange can be determined in an optimal way. For a failure-free production dry compressed air is required. Breakdowns of the compressed air dryers (refrigeration dryers, membrane dryers or adsorption dryers) lead to a formation of condensate, corrosion and production downtimes. Please also see the specialist report on this topic. With the intelligent chart recorder DS 500 CS Instruments offers a customized solution for the assessment and recording of all necessary parameters of a compressed air plant.